Thursday, 19 November 2009

Reasons for coming to Malaysia (apart from missing me!)

Right, I take it back, the reason in bracket above does not hold.

Anyway, check out Yahoo's top 10 HOTTEST countries to visit for 2010. By hot, I'm not sure whether they mean the weather, the country, or...the people. Although I have to say, my personal favourite on the list is Nepal, which seemed to be a distant dream for a lone backpacker with low budget :(

Let me know what else can I do to lure you guys to Malaysia? (Not working during that time is not an option :P)


  1. I am tempted. But I need dates! Both the variety that identify the time for one to book a flight, and those that involve dinner with the opposite sex.

  2. For the first date, whenever u prefer :)
    As for the latter, tell me ur type (cause I'm quite confused with ur preference, ur taste seemed to vary a lot in the past and I have not met ur latest French gal. I need a benchmark! :P)
