Sunday, 8 November 2009

Eighth of November

Hi all. Where are all the new posts I've been expecting??? Come on guys, Kay is dying for some gossip here! I'm going to tell her about the time I saw Rain naked in the shower but that might have to wait for a future post (while I get the pictures developed...).

A prize for the first person to tell me what day it is today! (Here's a hint, just copying the title of this post isn't gonna get you squat...)

I'd quite like to hear from Michael -- seems from the plethora of emails and facebook messages I've been getting from him that he is now the WBS organiser-in-chief, which suggests either he's finished his thesis and has some spare time, or he isn't going to finish any time soon... Which is it Michael?

Ok, I'll give out one more prize for the first person who solves this riddle (it's quite famous -- you might have seen it before):

In a street there are five houses, painted five different colours. In each house lives a person of different nationality. These five homeowners each drink a different kind of beverage, have a different occupation, and keep a different pet.

The Brit lives in a red house. The Thai keeps dogs as pets. The Dutchman drinks tea. The Green house is on the left of the White house (adjacent). The owner of the Green house drinks coffee. The flasher rears birds. The owner of the Yellow house is a star-gazer. The person living in the centre house drinks milk. The Chinese lady lives in the first house. The navel-gazer lives next to the person who keeps cats. The person who keeps horses lives next to the star-gazer. The spy drinks water. The Malaysian is a pencil sharpner. The Chinese lady lives next to the blue house. The navel-gazer has a neighbour who drinks beer.

Who owns the fish??? :-D


  1. what u've been peeping rain?

    1. today is today. (i didn't copy exactly!)

    2. haha what Malaysian is a sharpner. why can't malaysian smoke prince!

    Ant said he's gonna post something today, but since he's in France now, what do we expect? lol

  2. I am still confused as to what rain looks like when it is naked in the shower... Assuming it is of the variety that falls from the sky, I imagine it would be pretty difficult to differentiate it from the water falling from the shower head. Now I could spend time applying logic to your fish riddle, but this naked rain is far more interesting. With a little bit of imagination Rain could take on a life of her own. Oops, I am getting ahead of myself and already presumed she is female. How careless of me!

  3. Kay,

    1. FAIL

    2. I didn't think it was appropriate in this day and age for all five homeowners to smoke, so I changed it a bit to make it more relavent to us. Then I realised I have no idea what you actually do in your job... No pencil sharpening then?


    Whilst I was very sorry to read your story of unrequited love in France, I'm afraid I must to destroy any hopes you had of dating this particular meteorological anthropomorphism -- Rain is most definitely a man (at least, Korean Rain is... remember I've seen him naked :-P).

  4. okie Mark, I might fail the first one but I'm sure I'll get the second one correct: Malaysian!
    So where's my present! :)

    maybe Ant can try Koreans girls haha

    so so so where's rain's photos!

  5. Well done Kay!

    Just send me your address and I'll send you a present (I'm serious!) :-)

    Unfortunately Rain's manager found out about the photos and they have become the centre of a protracted legal battle, so you might have to wait a while...
